Geological exploration work

Nekko LLC can act as a single contractor for the entire range of geological work performed for the purpose of search, discovery and preparation for the development of hydrocarbon deposits, and as a result, the Customer gets one responsible for the entire range of work, as well as the development of a unified work plan

Acid treatment of bottomhole formation zone

Selection of chemical reagents based on geological and technical conditions well test facilities

Inflow call

Well development, well cleaning, well output

• Application of innovative equipment designed and manufactured in-house;

• Putting the well into flowing mode using a PULSE jet pump with subsequent development of the well without additional downhole operation (through the jet pump casing);

• Round-the-clock control of the well development process.

Gas-dynamic surveys of wells / Gas-condensate surveys of wells

• Method of steady-state selections;

• Method of unsteady selections of gas-condensate well surveys.

Deep and surface sampling, operational analysis of samples

• Conducting a full range of tests of deep and surface samples in accredited laboratories. Multi-level control of the process of sampling and delivery of samples to the laboratory;

• Sampler with gas sampling capability under formation conditions;

• Wellhead samples. Control of well cleaning after bottomhole zone treatment, operational analysis of water samples for chlorine ions, acidity;

• Separator samples. Sampling of conditioned samples in special samplers PGO (100, 400, 10 000);

• Deep samples. Sampling of deep samples of formation fluid using “SIMSP20” geophysical sampler of “VMK” modification;

• Evaluation of the quality of sampling.

Laboratory analysis of depth and surface samples in an accredited laboratory

Laboratory chemical analysis of gas, condensate and water is performed in a certified laboratory in accordance with approved and recommended industry standards, instructions and methods.

During laboratory chemical-analytical studies of gas and liquids sampled from the separation unit, the following parameters are determined:

• Physical and chemical characteristics of formation gas and stable condensate (under standard conditions);

• Component composition of condensate, separation and degassing gas and formation gas;

• Chemical analysis of formation water sample composition.

Interpretation based on test results

• Determination of the inflow profile, taking into account reservoirs;

• Calculation of associated gas flow rate by modes;

• Summary table of the study results;

• Indicator diagram of the test interval;

• Determination of formation hydrodynamic characteristics by pressure recovery method;

• Processing of the pressure recovery curve by nonlinear regression on the diagnostic graph;

• Operational analysis of fluid samples.

Conclusion of the test results

• Composition of products;

• Mining capability of the facility;

• Filtration and capacitance parameters;

• Hydrodynamic characteristics of the formation;

• Physical properties of fluids;

• Chronology of the tests;

• Data from deep autonomous instruments;

• Materials of geophysical surveys;

• Formation and bottom hole parameters.

Geological exploration work

Complex of works and studies during geological exploration work
When carrying out geological exploration work in exploration and production wells:
• Modern high-tech equipment
• Highly qualified certified personnel with more than 8 years of experience
• Mobile equipment and repair unit

Advantages of NEKKO services in geological exploration work

  1. Development and application of new research methods for specific geological conditions and customer's tasks, modernization of equipment in accordance with the tasks, systematic training and staff development

  2. Application of unique technology in the jet pump layout, which allows to record pressure recovery curve in "ONLINE" mode without wellbore influence, which allows to conduct this type of research more qualitatively

  3. Option of two-packer layout for selective development of well and hydrochloric acid treatment of formations

  4. Conducting a set of works on well testing with a minimum number of downhole operations

  5. Possibility of downhole sampling with continuous control of fluid composition and hydrodynamic parameters at the sampling point

  6. During the work, advanced and exclusive equipment is used which allows obtaining the most reliable data

  7. We develop solutions individually for each project, based on the customer's problems, rather than working from a template

Implemented projects

Application of Clean Well technology (well bottomhole normalization after hydraulic fracturing) at Rosneft facilities in Khanty-Mansiysky Okrug

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Project PitMSFrac, Bashkortostan

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Development of wells with a jet pump during geological exploration in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

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Project “PEV – Online”, Irkutsk region

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